Do you long to feel safe, confident, calm and at peace after abuse?

Are you ready to let go of all the pain of your past emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse affects every area of life.

Mentally: you doubt yourself constantly, tell yourself a raft of negative things, judge yourself and feel constangtly judged by others, that you are not good enough, you always say the wrong thing.

Physically: you are tight and tense and likely have painful areas in your body, your nervous system is in constant fight or flight mode, you may have habits or tics (designed by your subconcious to keep people at a distance so they won’t hurt you)

Emotionally: You likely experience a rollercoaster of emotion and can be very quickly triggered into a place of anxiety and fear.

Behaviourally: you will be people pleasing, not able to assert your needs, letting others make decisions, barely speaking about yourself or your opinions, playing small.

Spiritually: You will not be grounded, you may dissociate lots and you will likely feel quite disconnected from yourself at times.

I have designed an app which will release ALL of the above for you.

The Healing Place app has over 50 recordings using powerful tools including Quantum Healing, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique and CBT. These recordings are centred around the 6 core areas most deeply affected by emotional abuse, that I have seen in my practice over and over.

You can download and gain access to a free welcome course and a free trial of the entire course here

Contact Me:

Kate Mayor

07817 529 269