If you feel that you are living life timidly, hiding, stuck, playing small, living in fear, then this course is for you. This 12-week course Bust Fear and Become is for people who have worked through much of the trauma in their lives, but still find themselves living smaller than they want to be living, not expressing themselves, living authentically or standing in their immense power.

I am taking a maximum of 8 amazing people and we will create the most loving and supportive environment possible. So much change happens when we are in a place of loving support and allow ourselves to lean on others.

This course will have you stepping outside your comfort zone over and over, but in the most supportive environment, that it will feel safe and easy. We will go all in. There will no doubt be tears, laughter, screams and immense joy as we each move past the energetic bonds which have kept us stuck.

Each session will have a slightly different format, but will have a series of exercises, there will also be some Quantum Healing and some Emotional Freedom Technique (or tapping).

You will leave this course with an entire new perspective on life. You will feel that anything is possible, have a new sense of belonging and trusting, feel open to being supported and being seen. You will be able to move forward with a sense of ease and purpose. No more self-sabotaging and getting in your own way!

The course will provide 12 90-minute sessions as follows: 

Week 1: Intros and opening up to change

Week 2: Busting the fear and standing in confidence

Week 3: Allowing yourself to be seen

Week 4: Allowing yourself to be heard

Week 5: Mirror work. Cameras and Microphones off. Just you and your naked body and allowing ourselves to fully see our bodies with full compassion and acceptance.

Week 6: Addressing with power the people in our lives we need to (or needed to) assert ourselves to

Week 7: Circles work- getting into the energy of new possibilities

Week 8: Dreaming big!

Week 9: Setting powerful intentions for the new you and life going forwards.

Week 10: Allowing yourself to receive: support, abundance, kindness, positivity, love.

Week 11: Fully opening to the possibilities of your best self

Week 12: Integration and closing

The next course will run online on Monday evenings from 7 - 8.30pm, starting Monday 13th January.

Recordings will be available for any sessions that you can't make.

The cost is a mere £667 for all 12 weeks.

This can be paid either upfront or in two instalments (one before the course and one at the midway point). I can tell you without doubt, this is the best money you will ever spend.

If you have any questions, I would be delighted to hop on a call.

Contact Me

07817 529 269
